If you would like to use any photography featured on We Care Concerts on your own personal or fan site, please contact photorequest@wecareconcerts.com with your name, website address, which photo or photos you are using, and where the photo will appear on your site. Don't worry, we'll let you, we just want to keep tabs on where our photos go.
Please read the following guidelines:
  • Please DO NOT directly link the photo from our website. Save it to your own directory. That way, it prevents any unsightly red Xs from appearing on your website should we ever decide to move the pictures around, which we do.
  • Please link back to us with some form of link, anywhere on your page. We have link back and adopt a band member buttons you can use.
  • You may crop, edit, mutilate, colorize the photo as you see fit.
  • If there is any photo that is intentionally blocked, please don't attempt to use that image. The photographer specifically requested it be blocked. If there is one that you would particularly like to use and it is blocked, you may email the above stated address and also include your reasons for wanting to use it and the photographer will get back to you promptly.

If you would like to use any photography featured on We Care Concerts on or in a commercial site, zine, or anything else, please contact photorequest@wecareconcerts.com with what you intend to use it on/in, and we will get back to you regarding usage stipulations.